Okay, so the dress is super cute, naturally. It's kind of cut off so you can't see just how long it is, but in my mind it's a short dress, no longer than that. All the girls wore short dresses to my prom, so that's how this one's gonna go for me.
I also think a short dress is a better idea with a date like Levi from Fangirl. I'm not entirely sure why, but I get the feeling we might be doing something ridiculous before/after prom. A long dress is not suited for ridiculous things, really. But I chose Levi as my date because he's respectful and sweet and caring and I really just want one of him for myself, please and thanks.
As to the location of said prom... well, I'd kind of just want it to be in the school gym. For my prom, my whole grade rented out a club. It was kinda sketchy (because clubs are just sketchy always, apparently) and dingy and depressing - more on that in this post I already wrote. I'd much rather have a more "traditional" (as far as the movies and television have led me to believe) prom. In the school gym. With wayyyy too many streamers and twinkle lights. We'll all complain it's tacky and pretend we hate it but deep down inside we all love it. A lot.
That's all from me about what my YA Prom to look like. Be sure to link up your YA Prom post below so everyone can check out your plans for the big night! Hope to see you at the Twitter chat at 8:30PM EST!